at the Black Cat: AWESOME The Dismemberment Plan at The Black Cat cooked my goose, so it was tender and with orange sauce and only 10 dollars. I (dave of the Music For Driving El Camino's Dangerously show) went to see The dismemberment plan in DC with katie (of the success! show), and so i was written, and so it was well. El Guapo, or the handsome man, played, and it was mostly stuff od their new album on dischord, "fake french", which subsequentiallyactuallyFYI i reviewed for the station (wdce) and i thought it was cool. They had some loud ass beat machines and it was like crazy dance music with all three of the guys being like "Wo, you knew know" and stuff to each other- and the drummer kept dancing and dropping shit everywhere and he was staring weird places and looked kinda like just some regular guy, so i bet you he prolly just gets freaked out late at night and like has these weird rituals like i do, so i liked them. they didnt play for long tho. But the dismemberment plan....sheeeeeut. they played for a real long time, but im getting ahead of myself ive never seen the D plan play, although i had my past oppurtunites, alley katz, macrock, and im pretty new to the DC/RVA scene, because im originally from the suburbs in pennsylvania and i really only ventured to Philly to sit around pretending i was good at skating at LOVE park, and to go to see the bouncing souls and kid dynamite play, and like i went to see ska bands cuz that was me dude, but i never wore no fucking tie to a ska band show (like the kid at this show who katie and her friend were like " hes wearing a tie, jesus, isnt that like ska band at the 930 club?"- theyre so edgy and on the edge and critical, theyre nuts, leave that kid alone, hes just like...a kid dude. they all loved reel big fish back in the day and prolly sent emails to the aaron guy from RBF saying "youu guys are not sell outs like eeryone says, you guys are really awesome") anyway, they rocked and took a ton of requests and were really funny and endearing and the vibe was so cool and all community and great, in part becuase it was a fort reno benefit show ( and that made it all awesome too. And their music is awesome and great and theyre really cool. SO now i love them, although now theyre kinda broken up, but im no hanger-on to the past making myself try to relive stuff, and im glad i saw the end of an era, kinda, and it was a really awesome show. and they played at wdce a long time ago, before i went to school here. so, if you wanna hear some D plan, call up (804) 289-8790 and say "Yo pancake, play some muthafucking Dplan before i bring a grill to your house and say 'hop on' cuz you know ill frryyyy you". And if you want to listen to my show- its on monday nights from 11-1am, and im usually on during the day around 1 pm too. From today's Washington Post: "...An older song put everything in focus, though. When a few dozen fans continued the tradition of jumping onstage to dance to the chatty "The Ice of Boston," the Plan's place in D.C. punk history seemed to crystallize. The band, with its appealing combination of underground cachet and MTV awareness, has grown parallel to the city's great suburban expansion. The tableau of dancing kids had it all: the weird, the quietly intense, the multiethnic, the clean-cut. Dismemberment? Hell, this was a mixing bowl." |
Monday, March 1, 2010
Dismemberment Plan - Show at the Black Cat (D.C.), June 2003 by Dave Frost
The Black Cat,
The Dismemberment Plan